Check out the latest Interviews on Canvas Rebel & Voyage #Miami Magazine, voted to the best National & LocalStories

The magic of images, and fare rates

Born in Italy in the magical 80s, Romina Daniele degreed Cum Laude in Cinema and has been studying art criticism, history of art, aesthetics, architecture, theory and history of photography for her entire life. She has been researching technologies applied to art, sound technology and multimedia, earning two master’s degrees and achieving global recognition through her record and book publications. She has been through both philosophical and multimedia paths extensively; and carefully explained all the process that brought her to make photographs for living in the interview for Voyage Miami Magazine, May 2022.
<<I can provide clients both stills and videos and the most appreciated feedback I received from them regards the thoughtful aim they can perceive from my approach and what I create. I believe they refer to the art itself or the way the universe can talk with them through my creations [...] the meaning of being is to create. That’s a connection to the universe, from where every single one came from, and it is related to the ability to catch a little immensity of what we really are. […] discover details and facts you cannot see otherwise. It is always a sunrise […] You can earn money with art, but you cannot doing art with the sole purpose of making money, as art is tied to the very final meaning of the human being — the unique and most important, the one which remains — as a conscious and thinking being connected with the purest and original sense of existence. To share is the goal.>> Romina Daniele on Canvas Rebel Magazine, 09/05/2023.